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Email Editing Service and Text Message Editing Service

Text Message and Email Editing for Effective Communication

ProperComm® email editing service and text message editing service provides a much needed service for high-conflict parents. ProperComm edits abusive messages, we help those who may lack the ability to effectively communicate with their partner in co-parenting in a proper and effective manner. We edit email and text communication to eliminate any aggressive wording and emotional verbiage, simply leaving the core message and only information pertinent to the conversation, at hand. If you are looking for more information on how our email and text message editing services can help you, please use the information this page to contact us.


6501 E Greenway Pkwy
Ste. 103-480
Scottsdale, AZ 85254



ProperComm believes it is important for parties to communicate with ProperComm via email.